Didn’t start fresh on January 1st? Don’t worry about it. With it falling in the middle of the week, it just didn’t make sense to start fresh mid-way through. But today is Monday, the first of many this year. If you haven’t worked out yet, it’s not too late. Here’s how you can still make your fitness goal happen today.
- Take a workout lunch break. That’s right, get active on that 45 minutes. Grab a protein bar and go for a jog. Hit the weight room. Whatever it takes.
- Find little breaks for fitness. Going to the bathroom? Do 20 squats in the stall. Back from lunch early? Do a few sets of push-ups. Working at your computer? Stand up and stretch–now do 25 calf raises. Fit it in anywhere you can.
- Work out after work. Ask the hubs to pick up the kids. Go by the gym after work. Or go straight home and pop in a work out video. or better yet, do one of our favorite workouts here. Body weight only!
Didn’t make a plan? Don’t use that as an excuse. It’s the first Monday of the New Year. DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL. You can make your plan tonight. But failing to get active today will set a negative tone for the entire week.
What are you doing to get active today? Tell us about your fitness goals for this year!
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